Docs and Policies

Missional Buildings Guidance

Missional Buildings Plan

Sustainable Buildings Guidance

Sustainable Buildings Plan


Synod Finance Policy

Synod Property Policy

Synod Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy – Implementation Plan

Synod Manse Scheme

Lay Presidency

Perhaps you’re looking at employing someone. The Elders meeting takes on responsibility for that employment, and all that entails. As a Synod we want to ensure that any employment by a local church is done properly, effectively, and simply.

Find employment guidance here.

Mission Partnerships

Principles of Mission Partnerships


Moving Towards Mission Partnerships

How the FairShare System works

How the FairShare System works for LEPs

FairShare thank you letter for 2022

Local Churches Gifts Poster

Church Closures

Church Closure Process

Draft Resolution and Vacating a Church Building Checklist