Over the last few months all of our attempts to recruit a Synod Treasurer have been unsuccessful.
In the circulated job description (please see below) is outlined the ideal but we are now at the stage of spelling out what the minimum requirements are to make an appointment.
The minimum requirement is:
The responsibility of the Treasurer is to the Synod in all matters financial.
- is one of three Synod Officers along with the Moderator and Clerk.
- to have a strategic overview of the Synod and Trust’s current and future financial requirements
- to work closely with the Finance and Resources’ Officers to ensure the continued fulfilment of Synod and Trust financial policies.
Between the above and the job description there is a range of possibilities and level of commitment required and we need someone capable and willing to cover the minimum and to then be part of the conversation as to how we cover the rest.
We ask you to give this prayerful consideration and to share it with anyone you feel is called to this role within our life together.
David Coaker, Synod Clerk: clerk@urceastern.org.uk