Would you like to visit Sicily in October 2025?
The United Reformed Church Waldensian Fellowship has been organising visits to the Waldensian (Protestant) Church in Italy since 1980. This year we shall visit Sicily, an island of extraordinary history and beauty. We shall:
• Explore Palermo, the crowded and exotic capital of the island, and the Norman cathedral of Monreale
• Hear about the social and teaching work in a visit to La Noce, the Waldensian church’s centre in the city
• spend some time in Servizio Cristiano, a Waldensian Church centre of education and agriculture, at Riesi in the deprived centre of the island
• visit Scicli, where the church is a centre for the support of migrants (and featured in the Montalbano television series)
• and finish in Siracusa, once the most important city in the Western world with a beautiful island centre
• on our journey we would visit historic sites such as the Greek temples at Agrigento.
The visit is expected to last ten nights, or thirteen for a longer stay in Siracusa. We will stay at Servizio Cristiano and in hotels.
At this stage we can only estimate a cost but ten nights should cost of the order of £1000 and thirteen nights £1200. Single rooms would cost more.
We will give more information as the details are worked out. Travel to and from Italy will not be included. Participants will have to arrange travel to Palermo and return from Siracusa or Catania.
Please let us know if you would like information about the visit.
George Morton: g.morton50@ntlworld.com 0161 881 8195
Kate Grand: kategrand@tiscali.co.uk 0161 881 0958