Meet the Team

The Revd. Lythan Nevard deals with a range of matters pertaining to ministers and churches i.e. the candidating process, pastoral matters, deployment and vacancies.
Lythan is also closely involved with all ecumenical matters and links with the wider church.

Synod Clerk
The Revd. Dave Coaker is a URC minister employed part-time as our Synod Clerk. The relationship of Clerk to the churches of the Synod is similar to that of a Church Secretary to the congregation. The Clerk interacts with all the activities of Synod to enable the witness of the local church, promoting networking across the Synod. The role includes: arrangements for Synod meetings; constitutional structures of Synod and its committees; Synod appointments and delegations; ensuring information is shared; and concern for the Synod Office.
Synod Treasurer
As Treasurer and Convener of the Resources Committee, and working with the Finance Officer and Property Team, they have oversight of Synod budgets, accounts and property matters. By virtue of theiroffice, they are also a member of other Synod Committees and a Director of the Synod’s Trust companies. Although, normally, issues will be dealt with by members of the Resources Team, teh Treasurer will be available where their input would add value.

Moderator's PA
Maggie Jones keeps the Moderator’s diary and thus is the person you need if you want to invite the Moderator to your church or talk to the Moderator on issues of pastoral concern. The PA maintains the Synod database and is responsible for the Yearbook. Maggie is also the Candidating Secretary.

Office Administrator
Marion Gentry is the first point of contact for visitors and telephone callers. She provides administrative and office support services for Synod Officers, committee meetings held on site, and staff. She is the main point of contact concerning the website and booking the conference room.

Finance Officer
The Finance Officer has overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of the financial affairs of the United Reformed Church Eastern Province Trust. They work closely with the Resources Officer, report to the Synod Clerk and the finance function is overseen by the Synod Treasurer. The Finance Officer will assist churches with any finance related issues but is unable to give investment advice as the URC(EP)T is not registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. The Finance Officer is based at the Synod Office in Whittlesford and currently works four days a week.

Resources Officer
Penelope Davies-Brown is the first point of contact for all new enquiries about property matters. Penelope provides advice and support for anything relating to church property and also manages the Synod Manse Scheme on a day-to-day basis. She can advise on what process to follow and where to find the necessary forms and information. She keeps a database of projects and requests for grants, and works closely with the Synod Resources Committee and Trust Directors. The Resources Officer urges churches to ensure that contact is made with her in the early stages of planning any building alterations or tenancies and leases.

Children's and Youth Development Officer
Nicola Grieves has been working with children and young people as a volunteer for 18 years whilst working as a Training Manager. Nicola is accountable to the Synod Mission Committee. The CYDO works with churches promoting, encouraging, supporting and developing existing work and exploring new ways of engaging with children and young people.

Safeguarding Officer
Candice Hart has been working within safeguarding for over 20 years. She has worked as a safeguarding officer within the education, sport and now in religious sectors.
Candice works with both URCs and LEPs to support with safeguarding compliance. Providing support, advice and guidance. Delivering training both in person and via Zoom.
She is aiming to encourage local church Safeguarding Coordinators and their congregations to work collaboratively and supporting each other, and sharing good practice. She is hoping to develop a forum for Safeguarding to support Safeguarding Officers.
She works closely with Nicola, and also Church House Safeguarding Team and other Synod Safeguarding Officers.
Candice is happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. No question is a ‘silly question’. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will endeavour to find it out for you. She also aim to visit as many churches as possible to offer support and meet everyone!
If you need to contact Candice directly, please call 07849 276 750.

Mission and Training Officer
The Revd. Jo Clare-Young is a URC minister employed by the Synod to encourage growth. Jo’s role is to assist local churches in their mission, to help them discern their vision, to encourage them to be confident in sharing their faith and help them access the resources, funding and training they need. Jo works in partnership with Nicola and Penelope to enable churches to flourish. Jo is here to help with training needs, and discipleship development.

Synod Transitional Minister
The Revd Alex Jacob is a URC minister deployed directly by the Synod on a termed appointment in October 2023. This role involves encouraging, motivating and enabling churches to discern and move into new mission partnerships. Alex brings a wealth of experience to this role with over 40 years of ministry shared between the URC and as CEO of an international mission agency. He has had 8 books published the most recent relates directly to his current role, the book is titled, Discipleship- Biblical, contemporary and Biblical Reflections on Christian Discipleship.