How is your congregation engaged with the remit of Faith in Action? (see below) Are you doing something that could deserve a Faith in Action award?
If you have an activity / project that is a great example please send either a 5 minute video or 500 words description and pictures to: Jo Clare-Young
Faith In Action Forum relates closely to the GA Mission Committee and the Joint Public Issues Team.
It endeavours to relate national and global issues to the local and provide a network for local issues to be shared within the Synod.
- to encourage initiatives in rural, suburban and urban settings that support growth, evangelism and social engagement;
- to encourage Child Friendly Church Awards, or similar denomination initiatives;
- to raise awareness and encourage reflection on matters of peace and justice for the whole of creation, and healing and reconciliation;
- to encourage awareness of international and World Church issues;
- to set the agenda for Church in Society matters and advise the Synod Officers accordingly.