RECONNECT! A URC event for 20-40s
We are delighted to be hosting the first URC event for those in their 20s-40s, generously funded by the URC’s Discipleship Development Fund. Reconnect! is a discipleship event with worship, Bible study, panel discussion and small-group discussions. It aims to provide a space for 20-40 year olds to make connections with other Christians, to share in fellowship, and to discuss church life and faith in the context of life in this age bracket. We are hoping to establish an ongoing supportive network that will nourish people in their everyday discipleship and local church life.
The report from the 20-40s task group to General Assembly in 2018 explored the reasons for the lack of 20-40 year olds in traditional churches and emphasised the need to walk together in community. Lack of engagement with traditional church is not a problem that needs fixing, but rather a call to find new ways forward together. Reconnect! will be an opportunity for those in their 20s-40s to worship and socialise together, but also to think together about future discipleship and fellowship events and how the URC might better support and encourage those in this age-group.
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