Communion Training

Communion Training

Four new training courses have been arranged for communion authorisation. To book a space please contact 12th  February at Synod Offices, Whittlesford 2pm 13th  March at Synod Offices, Whittlesford 2pm 26th  March at Diss URC 2pm...
Discussion Day

Discussion Day

There is still time to book on our Theology day! A day for Ministers, retired ministers, and lay people to talk theology and share ideas. All are welcome. This day will focus on the book ‘Cancer and the Cross’ By Chris Kemshell – minister in this Synod. The day will...
Celebrant Training

Celebrant Training

Two half days or one full day for elders, lay preachers and anyone who is interested in these offices. You can sign up for one or both and bring a pack-up lunch. 10AM  Weddings & Blessings for all couples 1PM  Funerals & Celebrations of Life This session will...
Celebrant Training

Safer Sacred Spaces Boundaries Training

A training course for all who hold positions of responsibility in the church Boundaries keep us all safe. 23rd November – 10am Children’s workers/elders – Christ church Chelmsford 10th January 2-4pm for Elders & those in Ministry (Lay/ Ordained/ Retired/...
Celebrant Training

How to make worship happen

How to make worship happen – when no-one wants to lead! A fun day to resource churches on what to do when you can’t find someone to lead worship. Including: Using the URC prerecorded service Finding prayers online Creative alternatives to a sermon Including...